Exciting Work Happening At Just Shake It Off
It’s been an active and exciting few weeks for me and Just Shake It Off and I’m going to cheat a bit in the way that I document it here.
I’ve already shared with many of you through posts on my other social media platforms some of the opportunities that have been offered to me recently. But, because I’m human, and getting older, and have a neurodegenerative brain disease…I wanted felt it necessary to put all of those posts in one place. So one day, I can look back, read, and remember this time in my advocacy journey.
Here’s where the cheating comes in. Rather than rewrite everything, I’m going to copy what I shared on my social media pages and paste it here. Don’t judge me. I’m tired. And I’m already judging myself.
#wego health…
June 26, 2020

I never dreamed when I began a journal following my Parkinson’s diagnosis, that it could ever evolve into what it is becoming. I’m beyond thrilled to share that I’m being recognized by #WEGOHealthAwards as a “patient advocate who is making a difference”.
I’ve been nominated for “Best In Show: Blog” and “Rookie of the Year” for Just Shake It Off! A huge thank you to WEGO Health and the Parkinson’s community for this nomination! I would love your support as endorsements and voting move forward. I’ll post more information next week on how you can participate. As for now, feel free to visit my WEGO Health profile at…https://www.wegohealth.com/Nikki5…and find out more about the award and the work WEGO does. And thank you for all of your love and support!
email excerpt dated July 8, 2020:
Hi Nikki,
My name is Kate, and I’m the Director of Community Development at a company called Health Union (http://health-union.com/). We develop online communities dedicated solely to serving patients and caregivers of specific health conditions.
My colleague, Chris, and I are managing an online community for individuals affected by Parkinson’s disease, called ParkinsonsDisease.net.
I came across your blog and was really impressed by your perspective and courage to share your personal experience with the world.

We are looking for advocates, such as yourself, to help us build a community for and by those affected by Parkinson’s disease and we’d love your help! We’d love to set up a time to chat with you about what we do and ways you can be involved with our community if you’d be interested!
July 15, 2020
It’s been a busy and exciting few days for me and Just Shake It Off! I’m thrilled to share that I have joined the team at ParkinsonsDisease.net as a Community Advocate and Moderator. I’m looking forward to working with this incredible platform to bring broader awareness to Parkinson’s Disease. The link below will take you to my new profile on their website. https://parkinsonsdisease.net/community-advocates/nikki-louiselle/
the parkinson’s foundation…
August 26, 2020
Excited to share that I’ve been asked to partner with the Parkinson’s Foundation as a social media influencer. The focus of the Parkinson’s Foundation is on providing research funding, education, and resources to empower the Parkinson’s community. Their mission is to make life better for people with Parkinson’s disease by improving care and advancing research toward a cure. https://www.parkinson.org
And…I get to be a part of this.
moving day…

August 27, 2020
This autumn, I will be participating in Moving Day USA – Virtual Walk…an annual event benefiting the Parkinson’s Foundation. Although this year’s event will look different than in years past, it promises, as always, to be a fun-filled, family-friendly event for all ages and abilities. We will be able to enjoy a variety of movement activities like yoga, dance, Pilates, Tai Chi, boxing, stretching, and much more and we will celebrate the importance of movement in our lives.
I would be so grateful if you would please consider sponsoring me and I also encourage you to get your friends, family, and coworkers involved. Thank you for helping me reach my fundraising goal to support the vital work of the Parkinson’s Foundation.
Why Move for Moving Day? Did you know that someone is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease every 9 minutes in the United States? No one should have to face Parkinson’s alone. That is why the Parkinson’s Foundation provides a community of support to give people the resources and help they need to live well with Parkinson’s. Donate HERE today and support our mission to help every person diagnosed with Parkinson’s live their best possible life now. Your gift will help us fund better research, better treatment, and better lives.
coming up…

I was contacted yesterday by WEGO Health. They had a brand reach out to them regarding an upcoming project and I’ve been asked to collaborate!
Right now, it’s still in the contract review and information gathering/brainstorming stage, but when I’m able to share more details…I absolutely will!
So…there you have it. My copy and paste, cheater’s version of an update. Thank you to each and every one of you that continue to read Just Shake It Off. Thank you to those of you that have donated to the Parkinson’s Foundation on my behalf. And, thank you for the love, support, and messages you send just when I need them most.
Cut and paste is perfect