1992 was the first time I was able to vote in a Presidential election. 2020 will be the eighth opportunity I will have to vote in a Presidential election. And I have taken none of these voting opportunities for granted. I wouldn’t dare.
I grew up with my dad reminding me that if I didn’t take the time to vote…I better not waste other people’s time with complaints. Every semester of high school began with Mrs. Horton’s democracy speech and a “gentle” reminder of what a privilege we had been given. And Mrs. Strange made sure that every student that entered her Government classroom, graduated her classroom understanding the importance of the duty we have as citizens of a free country. I’m pretty sure my fellow Lancer alum know just what I’m talking about.

On the day this piece posts, we will be seventeen days away from what is, undeniably, one of the most talked-about elections of our time. I am not here to convince or persuade you to vote one way or the other. I am simply here to encourage you to vote. Right, left. Red, blue, Yes, no. Just vote. Please.
there’s help for that…
If you’re not sure where to vote, or how to vote, or if you’re even registered to vote…no worries. I’ve got links to help you out.
The website iwillvote.com can answer just about any question you may have about voting in 2020.
Visit Michigan Voter Information for Michigan specific questions and answers.
And if you’ve already voted, check out this link to track your ballot.
the boxes are checked…

Voting will…actually already did…look a bit different for me this election. You see, Parkinson’s doesn’t really care about election day. Doesn’t really care if I am steady enough to make it to the polls that day or not. If I am able to, Parkinson’s doesn’t care if I am unable to manage the long lines once I do get there. Parkinson’s doesn’t care if I miss the opportunity to exercise my voting rights on November 3rd. But I do. I care. My disease has been a little more unpredictable than normal these last couple of weeks. I’m never really sure what each day, or hour, is going to put in front of me. But, I am sure of what it is not going to take away from me. My voice and my vote. Well, actually…Parkinson’s will probably take my voice at some point…but that’s a whole other post for a whole other time. Moving on…for the first time in any election, I voted by absentee/mail-in ballot. The boxes are checked, the envelope is signed, the ballot is turned in. Now, tag…you’re it.
Vote because my dad, and Mrs. Horton, and Mrs. Strange…? They’re right. It is our duty. It is a right we are afforded through the sacrifice of others. And, it is a privilege. Don’t throw any of that away.

Oh…and can someone please grab me a sticker. You don’t get one when you vote at home.
*DISCLAIMER* It is with great intention that this post did not take a side or lean one way or the other politically. It is simply my PSA urging you to exercise your exceptional right to vote. I respectfully ask that any discussion in the comments be held with that same intention.
Now, go. VOTE.
Wow amazing article. I lived in UK. but this tips is really helpful in American community. 🙂
Thank you, Lynnie!
Voted! Absentee Voting is for people like you(and me)and others whose trip to the polls isn’t necessarily an easy thing to do. Your voice can be heard. It is important we all take the time to vote…one vote could make all the difference in whether or not your candidate(whoever that may be)is elected or remains in office. I did elections for 20+ years and I have that happen. I also tell my kids, no matter who you vote for, if you don’t vote you give up your right to complain because you didn’t try to make it different.
Absolutely, JoAnne!🇺🇸
– Nikki
I’m sure your dad and teachers are very proud of you. Great message and reminder.
I sure hope so, Carol! ♥️
– Nikki
Hi Nikki,
Hey, I stumbled upon your blog six months ago and have been an eager reader ever since. My mom was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease about 8 years ago and it has been a journey for our entire family. I also love to read your posts because I have always dreamed of being a writer and you inspire me! Thanks so much for sharing…you are an encouragement to me!
Blessings as you bless others,
Heather Rasper
(Remember me? We worked together at Lincoln Elementary many moons ago!)
Hi Heather –
I absolutely remember you!
I so enjoyed the great conversations we would have at the end of the school day!
Thank you so much for reading and reaching out…and for such kind words.
I’m sorry to hear that your mom is on her own Parkinson’s journey. It certainly has its challenges, but I know how supported and loved by you she must feel. I will keep her, and all of you, in my thoughts.
I hope you are doing well and keep healthy and safe.
Thank you again for taking the time to read and leave a message.
Hi Nikki. Thank you for this article. I am so glad that Betsy shared it! It’s so good to see the voice of reason in these crazy times! I am subscribing to Just Shake It Off and will definitely be sharing this post!
God bless you and yours.
Laura –
Thank you for taking the time to read and to reach out!
I appreciate your kind words and your willingness to share! ♥️