Hey there readers, friends, and everyone stopping by! It’s been a minute. I hope this finds everyone staying safe and healthy…especially in some pretty wonky times. With the mention of wonky…it’s been a challenging and wonky few weeks here at the Louiselle abode. Over the course of six days in early November, five of us were tested for and diagnosed with COVID-19. Mike and the twins had very mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. Ellie had two or three really ugly days and then began to quickly recover. And then there’s me.
I was hit awfully hard and, while I am out of isolation, finally fever-free and moving in the right direction, I am still dealing with post-COVID aftermath six weeks later. I won’t go into all of it here, as I have posted regular updates on my personal Facebook page…but, here is a link to the latest update I posted on how things are going. I haven’t had the energy or the appropriate cognitive skills to stitch together a new post, but…I do have a prior post that I’ve recycled and tweaked a bit to share.
The holidays are going to look very different for almost everyone this year. But, hopefully, there will be a familiar comfort in some of the long-held traditions that will be able to go on as normal. And maybe, just maybe, some new and unexpected traditions will begin. As we spend these next several days preparing our homes and our hearts for the upcoming holidays, I hope you take a few moments to click this link and read the post, “happy holidays…”, from last year. I’m hoping there will be something that resonates with each of you. That you’ll find a way to not only survive in this heavy holiday season…you’ll find a way to maybe even thrive as this year winds down.
And, as this year indeed winds down, we wait. We wait with anticipation. Nervous, excited, and…given everything that 2020 showed us…apprehensive anticipation. But, as we wait, we are gifted the time to look back and to tuck away the lessons that shaped 2020…and shaped us.
We’ve joyfully welcomed new members into our families and we’ve tearfully said goodbye to beloved members of these same families. We’ve started new jobs and we’ve spent extra time at home when our jobs have had to pause for a bit. We’ve mastered how to Zoom and Skype and Google Meet. We’ve learned that even telehealth appointments have waiting rooms…but we’ve also learned that we can attend those telehealth appointments in our jammies. We’ve cooked and baked ALL the things. We’ve swapped jigsaw puzzles with our friends and neighbors. We’ve read new books and revisited old hobbies.

But most importantly…we’ve done it. We’re doing it, you guys. We’re doing the hard things. And I know us. I know we’ll keep doing the hard things for as long as it’s being asked of all of us. And as we’re doing these hard things, may we all find something beautiful to celebrate from this unforgettable year.
Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays. And much love to all of you.
Hi – Sounds like you have had a very hard 2020, and remain positive, that’s admirable. Merry Christmas 🙂
Thank you for your kind words, Annette!
Merry Christmas to you!
– Nikki
Thank you for sharing! Merry Christmas!
Thank for taking the time to read and reach out, Anna.
Merry Christmas!
– Nikki
Great message, Nikki! Praying for continued healing and strength for you and all Covid sufferers. Merry Christmas!🎄
Thank you, Carol!
Merry Christmas to you, as well!
Love your spirit!!!!!
Awww…thank you!
Merry Christmas!