taking care of our girlfriends
A friend’s recent social media post had me feeling all the feels. I saw her photo. I read her words. And, I remembered. I remembered what it was like.
She and her husband just brought home their perfect newborn son…their second baby. She posted a beautiful photo of herself with her new little one. It was prefaced with an honest, raw comment by her about how she was feeling. She said she was a “super-hormonal, emotional wreck”. BRAVO! Bravo, momma. And, thank you. Thank you for being honest. For being raw. For being real.

This gig is hard. Really, really hard. Especially in the first days as we navigate and stumble through our new normal. Yes…we are overjoyed with the immense blessing of our healthy newborn. Sure…our hearts burst with joy as we watch our first “baby” become an all-of-the-sudden “big boy”. And most definitely…we cry. We cry because we’re happy. Because we’re tired. Because we’re hormonal. Because we’re blessed beyond measure. Because. We cry because. And we need to remind each other that these tears are okay. These tears that fall uninvited, unexpected and without explanation…they are okay.
I wish I had the perfect words to offer this friend and all mommas that are bringing home their new babies. But, I don’t. I’ve experienced three “homecomings” with my four babies and I still don’t know the perfect words. But what I do know is that we need to talk about this. We need to talk to our girlfriends. We need to share our experiences, our raw honesty and our tears. We need to let one another know that it is okay. Let yourself feel all the feels. Cry all the tears. And know that, while you do, we have you covered in prayers and love. ❤️
