Parkinson’s Disease, like most diseases or illnesses, definitely has its “cardinal symptoms”. Those symptoms that nearly everyone associates with the disease when they think of it. And those symptoms that nearly every person with Parkinson’s experiences at some point in the course of their disease.
But, along with the cardinal symptoms and similarities, there is a backstory…a journey. A journey that is unique and personal. These are the Faces of Parkinson’s.
April is Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month. Thirty days, set aside each year, to learn more about Parkinson’s and the people affected by PD each and every day.
Leading up to April…and hopefully even beyond…I am going to (with their individual blessings) use this space to share some of the backstories and journeys of others within the Parkinson’s community. You’ll hear about different paths to diagnosis, different treatment regimens, and different challenges and victories throughout the different stages of the disease.
I’m really looking forward to introducing and growing this feature on Just Shake It Off. Parkinson’s advocacy and education have become very important to me.
We don’t know what we don’t know. And when we all know better…we can all do better.
I hope these pieces and stories, as they are added, both educate and inspire you.
I hope that they shine a light on the Parkinson’s community as a whole and on these individuals as the warriors they are.
And, I’ll strive to let them guide and inspire me as I use this platform to always…make it meaningful.