10th Annual #WEGO Health Awards
One year ago…I hadn’t even heard of WEGO Health.
I didn’t know who they were when I opened up an email I received from them letting me know I had been nominated for their annual #WEGOHealthAwards in two different categories.
Today…I can’t imagine my journey without WEGO Health as a large part of it.
Those nominations last year were the catalyst for my advocacy work…my drive to learn more and do better.
And that advocacy work has become my passion and my purpose.
It is my pathway for changing the way I look at Parkinson’s Disease.
Taking my diagnosis from feeling as if it’s just mean and working to make it meaningful.
I’m beyond thrilled to announce that I’m being recognized again this year by #WEGOHealthAwards as a “patient advocate who is making a difference”.
I’m proud to share that I’ve been nominated in six different categories.
- “Best In Show: Blog”
- “Best In Show: Community”
- “Best Kept Secret”
- “Healthcare Collaborator”
- “Advocating For Another”
- “Rookie Of The Year”
A huge thank you to WEGO Health and the Parkinson’s community for the honor of these nominations!
I would love your support as endorsements/voting in all categories opens today.
THIS LINK will take you directly to the endorsement opportunity.
Once on the page, scroll to the bottom until you see
“👍 Endorse This Patient Leader” in light blue. Click on that and it will open the page with all six of my nominations. Click on each of the six nominations and then on “Endorse”.
You may vote one time per email address. Please share the link to vote with your friends and family.
Every endorsement moves me one step closer to the finalist round and opens the door to some incredible advocacy opportunities.
Thank you for your support as I continue working to bring awareness to Parkinson’s Disease.
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