Celebrating the thrill of victory while respecting the agony of defeat
March Madness. It’s here. Whether or not you’re a basketball fan makes no difference.
March is mad.
Take NCAA basketball out of the equation and you still have irrational time changes, extended breaks from school, and unpredictable weather shifts.
The madness of March, for me personally, holds an anniversary. It’s not my wedding anniversary or a career milestone anniversary. It’s an anniversary that I do not necessarily celebrate, but rather…I respect.
Today…March 19th…is the anniversary of my suicide attempt. It was thirty-one years ago today that I acted on my decision to end my life. The agony of defeat.
But today…thirty-one years later…I’m choosing to fight. Every day…of the last eleven-thousand-three-hundred-fifteen days…I’ve chosen to fight. The thrill of victory.
let’s keep talking about it

It’s been less than one year since I first shared here about my mental health struggle and my suicide attempt. And yet…I’m already going to share about it again. Because it’s important. It is SO important that we continue having these conversations. That we continue talking about mental health, and depression, and therapy. And it’s important that we talk about all of these things until talking about them is the norm and not the exception. Because it IS normal. It is normal to be sad sometimes. It is normal to be conflicted sometimes. And it is normal to seek professional help sometimes.
So, today…in the midst of march madness and on the thirty-first anniversary of one of my darkest days…let’s talk about it.
This is important.
Click to read “let’s talk about it…”
Thank you fir your strength and courage to share