What’s Coming Up Next
I am currently working on 5…FIVE!…separate projects and collaborations!
They are all different and all fun and all meaningful and I can’t wait to share them with you as they each rollout.
Be sure to watch this space and, if you’re a Just Shake It Off subscriber, your email each day…for news and updates as each project is launched.
In the meantime, enjoy a little sneak peek at everything that’s been going on.

Thank you for continuing to read and support Just Shake It Off. Last week marked my two-year “blog-iversary”….two years since I hit “publish” and launched this site. I had no idea what I was doing on the technical side. And I had no idea if anyone would be there to listen to the story side. Two years in…and I never could have dreamed it this big or this impactful.
Cheers to two years! And to YOU…for teaching me to dream bigger.
2 thoughts on “stop. collaborate and listen…”